Arista Networks Inc

Arista Networks Inc ANET

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Dividend Yield Today
The dividend yield is calculated by dividing the annual dividend payment by the prevailing share price
The table below shows the full dividend history for Arista Networks Inc
Status Type Decl. date Ex-div date Pay date Decl. Currency Forecast amount Decl. amount Accuracy
There are no Arista Networks Inc dividends.
Year Amount Change
2006 0.0c
2007 0.0c
2008 0.0c
2009 0.0c
2010 0.0c
2011 0.0c
2012 0.0c
2013 0.0c
2014 0.0c
2015 0.0c
2016 0.0c
2017 0.0c
2018 0.0c
2019 0.0c
2020 0.0c
2021 0.0c
2022 0.0c
2023 0.0c
2024 0.0c
2025 Sign Up Required

Arista Networks Inc Optimized Dividend Chart

The chart below shows the optimized dividends for this security over a rolling 12-month period.
Dividend Yield Today
Optimized Yield
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52 Week High
0.0% on 08 February 2024
52 Week Low
0.0% on 08 February 2024
Next Ex-Div-Date Countdown
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About Arista Networks Inc

Arista Networks, Inc., incorporated on December 2, 2011, is a supplier of cloud networking solutions that use software innovations to address the needs of Internet companies, cloud service providers and data centers for enterprise support. The Company develops, markets and sells cloud networking solutions, which consist of its Gigabit Ethernet switches and related software. The Company's cloud networking solutions consist of its Extensible Operating System (EOS), a set of network applications and its Ethernet switching and routing platforms. The programmability of EOS has allowed the Company to create a set of software applications that address the requirements of cloud networking, including workflow automation, network visibility and analytics, and has also allowed it to integrate with a range of third-party applications for virtualization, management, automation, orchestration and network services. EOS supports cloud and virtualization solutions, including VMware NSX, Microsoft System Center, OpenStack and other cloud management frameworks.

The Company's EOS allows it to prevent network outages in deployments of its cloud networking solutions. The Company also offers EOS+, a software platform for network programmability and automation. The Company sells its products through both its direct sales force and its channel partners. Its customers span a range of industries and include large Internet companies, service providers, financial services organizations, government agencies, media and entertainment companies and others. The Company delivers its solutions through its 10/25/40/50/100 Gigabit Ethernet switches and routers optimized for data center networks. Its EOS software offers programmable interfaces throughout various levels of its software. In addition, it supports a range of software-defined network controllers through its OpenFlow and DirectFlow interfaces.

The Company's EOS software enables enterprises to provision networking resources. The Company also supports Ansible, CFEngine, Chef, Puppet, virtual network orchestration applications and third-party management tools. CloudVision, a network-wide approach for workload orchestration and workflow automation delivers a turnkey solution for cloud networking. Its EOS software provides a set of tools and applications that monitor, detect and notify network managers when network issues arise, delivering real-time data to third-party management applications, including Corvil, ExtraHop, Riverbed and Splunk to provide detailed application visibility.

The Company's telemetry applications include VM Tracer, which provides visibility down to the virtual machine level, Path Tracer, which detects errors in provisioned network paths, MapReduce Tracer, which monitors and optimizes the performance of Hadoop workloads, and Health Tracer, which monitors infrastructure resiliency. The Company's network visibility applications provide real-time insight into the status of the network. They include LANZ, which monitors latency, and DANZ 2017, a set of features available in add-on network visibility devices, which provides traffic monitoring with flow analysis and timestamps, and the ability to perform tap aggregation for reporting and analysis. Macro-Segmentation Services (MSS) is its service enabled through Arista CloudVision.

The Company competes with Cisco Systems, Inc., Brocade Communications Systems, Dell, IBM, Hewlett Packard Enterprises, Juniper Networks and Broadcom.

Software & Computer Services
United States
Share Price
$115.27 (yesterday's closing price)
Shares in Issue
315 million
Market Cap
The Consecutive Annual Dividend Increases - the number of years this company has been increasing its dividends
Market Indices
S&P 500
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