Cerillion PLC announce a final dividend of 6.5p per share

DividendMax Ltd.

Cerillion PLC announce a final dividend of 6.5p per share

Cerillion PLC announce a final dividend of 6.5p per share (2021: 5.0p), bringing the total dividend for the year to 9.1p per share (2021: 7.1p), an increase of 28%.


Other financial highlights include:


·   Revenue up 26% to a record £32.7m (2021: £26.1m), driven by major new customer implementations and strong demand from existing customers

·   Back-order book reached a new high of £45.4m at the year-end (30 September 2021: £42.1m)

·   Strong balance sheet with net cash up 54% to £20.2m (2021: £13.2m)

·   New customer sales pipeline up 43% to a record £209m (30 September 2021: £146m)

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