Petra Diamonds 2016 interim results

DividendMax Ltd.

Petra Diamonds 2016 interim results


Revenue down 28% to US$154.0 million (H1 FY 2015: US$214.8 million); revenue excluding Exceptional Diamonds down 18% to US$144.0 million (H1 FY 2015: US$176.1 million).

Adjusted EBITDA3 down 43% to US$48.5 million (H1 FY 2015: US$84.9 million).

Adjusted net profit after tax4 down 85% to US$6.3 million (H1 FY 2015: US$42.8 million).

Net loss after tax: US$2.2 million (H1 FY 2015: US$39.1 million profit).

Operating cashflow US$45.6 million (H1 FY 2015: US$104.4 million).

Adjusted EPS8: 0.92 US$ cents (H1 FY 2015: 6.66 US$ cents).

Basic loss per share: 0.72 US$ cents (H1 FY 2015: EPS of 5.94 US$ cents).

Net debt of US$323.9 million (H1 FY 2015: US$45.8 million) in line with expectations and aligned with planned increased capital spend.


Production up 2% to 1,629,403 carats (H1 FY 2015: 1,601,069 carats).

Costs remain well controlled; the weaker Rand had a positive effect on Petra's operating costs in US Dollar terms.

Capex of US$151.3 million (H1 FY 2015: US$125.2 million) including capitalised borrowing costs, in accordance with the roll out of the Group's expansion programmes, delivery of which remains on track. Capex remains fully funded from treasury, bank facilities and cashflows.

Safety: Group LTIFR of 0.37 (H1 FY 2015: 0.28); continued strong focus on this area.


On track for production guidance of 3.3 - 3.4 Mcts for FY 2016 and ca. 5 Mcts for FY 2019. Sales are also weighted to H2 due to the seasonal timing of Petra tenders.

Post Period end, the Company has experienced stable diamond market conditions with firm prices achieved at the first tender of H2.

Acquisition of a 49.9% stake in Kimberley Mines completed post Period end. Petra's production guidance excludes input from these operations; the Company will provide an update after the initial handover period.

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