The NWF Group Board has approved an unchanged interim dividend per share of 1.0p (H1 2023: 1.0p), consistent with its policy. This will be paid on 1 May 2025 to shareholders on the register as at 21 March 2025. The shares will trade ex-dividend on 20 March 2025. The Group has increased the annual dividend by approximately 4% in each of the last 12 years, reflecting the Group's strong underlying financial performance and position.
Other financial highlights include:
• Strong first half performance in line with the Board's expectations.
• Year-on-year growth in headline operating profit and headline profit before tax reflecting good performances in Fuels and Feeds, which offsets a slower first half performance in Food.
• Positive cash generation resulting in a robust cash position, totalling £11.4 million at the half year end; thisunderpins the well progressed pipeline of acquisition opportunities in Fuels.
• The Board's full year trading expectations remain unchanged ahead of the seasonally more significant second half.