A final dividend in respect of 2021 of 3.0 pence (£363,000) per ordinary share was paid on 3 July 2022. No interim dividends were paid in 2022. A final dividend has been proposed in respect of 2022 of 15.5 pence (£2,005,000) per ordinary share. As the distribution of dividends by Billington Holdings Plc requires approval at the shareholders' meeting, no liability in this respect is recognised in the consolidated financial statements.
Following a review of unclaimed dividends over 12 years old, in accordance with the Company's Articles of Association a write-back of £142,000 has been recognised during the year.
Other Financial Highlights:
- Revenue increased by 4.7 per cent to £86.6 million (2021: £82.7 million)
- The Group achieved a significant increase in profits, with profit before tax of £5.8 million (2021 - underlying: £1.3 million), reflective of larger contracts in robust market sectors being completed in the year combined with improved factory efficiencies
- Continuing strong cash balance of £11.6 million (31 December 2021: £10.4 million) at the year end