The London Stock Exchange Group Board has proposed a final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December 2021 of 70.0p per share, which amounts to an expected payment of £390 million in May 2021.
Other financial highlights include:
Strong revenue growth across all divisions driving 6.1% constant currency total income growth - £6,811 million (2020: £6,767 million) - on course to achieve the 5-7% 2020-23 CAGR target
Post Trade revenue grew 11.1% driven by strong performance in RepoClear and continued growth in OTC clearing; total income up 2.0% including Net Treasury Income (NTI)
Adjusted operating expenses growth of 4.8% - guidance unchanged for low-single digit constant currency cost growth for 2022 and 2023
Adjusted operating profit grew 8.5% reflecting strong top-line growth and good cost control
Adjusted EBITDA up 8.3% to £3,283 million; adjusted EBITDA margin of 48.2%; high confidence of further improvements to achieve >50% target by end of next year