Begbies Traynor declare an increased interim dividend of 0.9p (2018: 0.8p), an increase of 13%, which builds on the increases over the two previous years and reflects their confidence in sustaining their financial track record of earnings growth. They remain committed to a long-term progressive dividend policy which takes account of the market outlook, earnings growth and investment plans.
The interim dividend will be paid on 11 May 2020 to shareholders on the register as at 14 April 2020, with an ex-dividend date of 9 April 2020.
Other financial highlights include:
Revenue growth of 21% (10% organic) with improved operating profit margin of 13.2% (2018: 12.6%)
Organic development of both divisions continued, with investment in new fee earning staff and teams
Completed three acquisitions towards the end of the period, enhancing both divisions
Raised net proceeds of £7.8m in placing in July 2019: meeting investor demand and funding acquisitions