Barclays have given a resilient performance with Group return on tangible equity of 9.4% and an increased half year dividend of 3.0p per share.
Other financial highlights include:
Barclays Group profit before tax was £3.0bn (H118: £1.7bn) and excluding litigation and conduct, was £3.1bn (H118: £3.7bn). The cost: income ratio was 63% (H118: 61%), with income down 1%, driven mainly by margin pressure in Barclays UK and lower income in Barclays International, while costs increased 1%, reflecting continued investment in the business. Credit impairment charges increased to £0.9bn (H118: £0.6bn) reflecting the non-recurrence of favourable US macroeconomic forecast updates and single name recoveries in H118, while delinquencies in unsecured lending remained stable
Barclays UK profit before tax was £1.1bn (H118: £0.8bn). Excluding litigation and conduct, profit before tax was £1.1bn (H118: £1.2bn). Income declined 2%, as continuing margin pressure was partially offset by continued growth in mortgages and deposits. Operating expenses increased 2% as digital investment was partially offset by cost efficiency savings
Barclays International profit before tax was £2.3bn (H118: £2.7bn). Income was down 1% driven by a reduction in CIB, reflecting reduced client activity, lower volatility and a smaller Banking fee pool across the industry2, offset by growth in Consumer, Cards and Payments. Operating expenses increased 1% as continued investment in the business was partially offset by reduced variable compensation accruals, reflecting performance in the CIB. Credit impairment charges increased from £0.2bn to £0.5bn, due to the non-recurrence of favourable US macroeconomic forecast updates and single name recoveries in H118
Attributable profit was £2.1bn (H118: £0.6bn). This reflected the non-recurrence of Q118 litigation and conduct charges of £2.0bn, principally relating to the Residential Mortgage Backed Securities settlement (RMBS) and Payment Protection Insurance (PPI). Excluding litigation and conduct, attributable profit was £2.2bn (H118: £2.6bn), generating basic earnings per share of 12.6p (H118: 14.9p)
Tangible net asset value (TNAV) per share was 275p (December 2018: 262p) as 12.6p of EPS, excluding litigation and conduct, and positive net reserve movements, were partially offset by payment of the remaining full year 2018 dividend of 4p in the second quarter