GVC Holding 2017 interim results
NGR up 10% (+12% in constant currency) vs pro forma H1 2016
Clean EBITDA of €133.9m up 28% vs pro forma H1 2016 (€104.4m)
Adjusted PBT of €101.9m up 99% vs H1 2016 (€51.3m)
Statutory loss before tax €6.6m (H1 2016 loss €86.1m)
Adjusted fully diluted EPS of 31c up 55% vs H1 2016 (20€c)
Interim dividend 16.5€c per share
Long-term refinancing secured
Net debt as at 30 June 2017 €150.7m (0.6 x LTM Clean EBITDA)
Operational highlights
Sports Brands gross win margin 9.8% (9.1% pro forma H1 2016)
Sports Brands NGR up 11% (+13% constant currency) vs pro forma H1 2016
Games Brands NGR up 8% (+10% constant currency) vs pro forma H1 2016
On target to achieve €125m synergy run rate by end of 2017
Disposal of Kalixa Group for €29m completed May 2017 and up to €2.6m in deferred consideration