Financial Highlights
Total funds of £35.4bn, up 10.6% (FY 2015: £32.0bn). Discretionary funds of £28.9bn, up 16.5% (FY 2015: £24.8bn)
o This compares to an increase of 13.8% in the FTSE 100 Index and a 14.4% increase in the FTSE WMA Private Investor Series Balanced Portfolio Index
o Total net discretionary funds inflows, including transfers, of £1.1bn representing an annualised growth rate of 4.4% (2015: 4.6%)
Total income stable at £282.4m (2015: £283.7m)
o Core1 income up 4.8% to £263.3m (2015: £251.3m)
Fee income increased by 1.1% to £190.5m (2015: £188.5m), representing 67.4% of total income (2015: 66.4%); commission income was £71.0m (2015: £71.5m)
o Other income in line with expectations at £19.1m (2015: £32.4m)
Adjusted2 profit before tax of £61.0m (2015: £62.2m)
o Adjusted2 profit before tax margin 21.6% (2015: 21.9%)
Statutory profit before tax of £50.1m (2015: £61.0m, which included a one-off gain of £9.7m)
Discontinued operations profit before tax of £14.0m, reflecting receipt of disposal proceeds (2015: £10.4m loss before tax)
Adjusted2 earnings per share:
o Basic earnings per share of 17.7p (2015: 18.0p)
o Diluted earnings per share3 of 16.8p (2015: 17.1p)
Statutory earnings per share:
o Basic earnings per share of 14.4p (2015: 17.7p)
o Diluted earnings per share of 13.9p (2015: 17.1p)
Full year dividend increase of 8.3% to 13.0p (2015:12.0p), final dividend of 9.15p per share (2015: 8.25p per share), an increase of 10.9%
Strong balance sheet, net cash of £170.8m (2015: £149.8m)