Profit and earnings per share have increased and our cash reserves remain, as usual, robust.
Cash flow from operating activities is £40.2 million and some 19.2% ahead of last year. Our dividends paid in the last year were some £39.9 million, being 90% above the prior year as a result of another special dividend (£16.3 million).
It is pleasing to report that the Board proposes, once again, an increased final dividend. The final dividend will be 8.5p (2015: 7.858p) representing an 8.2% increase which combined with the interim dividend, paid in June 2016, of 3.5p (2015: 3.142p) makes a total of 12.0p (2015: 11.0p) for the year, an increase of 9.1%. Once again a record level of dividend in our long history.