Walker Greenbank increases its 2016 interim dividend by 25.7%

DividendMax Ltd.

Walker Greenbank increases its 2016 interim dividend by 25.7%


Group sales up 11.4% to £45.8 million (H1 2014: £41.1 million), 

UK Brands sales up 7.6% and overseas Brands sales up 11.6% in reportable currency, 13.5% in constant currency

Profit before tax up 25.8% at £2.89 million (H1 2014: £2.30 million)

Adjusted profit before tax up 12.3% at £3.68 million (H1 2014: £3.28 million)

Strong performance from Manufacturing with total sales up 8.2% at £18.6 million (H1 2014: £17.2 million) including digital fabric printing sales up 35.0% at £3.2 million

Earnings per share up 19.5% at 4.04 pence (H1 2014: 3.38 pence)

Adjusted earnings per share up 3.9% at 5.35 pence (H1 2014: 5.15 pence)

Interim dividend up 25.7% to 0.44 pence per share (H1 2014: 0.35 pence per share)

Terry Stannard, the Chairman of Walker Greenbank, said: "Brand sales in the first ten weeks of the second half are up 7.5% in reportable currency (7.9% in constant currency) compared with the same period last year. This is an encouraging performance ahead of our key Autumn selling period and reflects strong trading in the UK, where Brand sales are up 7.5%, and in overseas markets, where Brand sales are up 8.5% in constant currency. Manufacturing also continues to perform strongly. The Board remains confident of meeting expectations for the full year."

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