3i infrastructure increases its 2014 full year dividend by 4.4%

DividendMax Ltd.

3i infrastructure increases its 2014 full year dividend by 4.4%

Performance highlights




Total return materially above annual target

Total return of £267 million for the year, or 24.6% on opening
Net Asset Value ("NAV"), materially above the target of 10%. Strong performance driven by the value uplift from the realisation of our interest in Eversholt Rail and valuation gains across our European Core investments


Total return on
opening NAV1


Total return on
opening NAV1

Strong growth in NAV per share to 149.9 pence at 31 March 2015


NAV per share


NAV per share

Proposed dividend ahead of target level

Total proposed dividend of 7.0 pence per share (£61.7 million in aggregate), or 5.7% on opening NAV, ahead of the objective for FY2015 of 5.5% (6.77 pence per share)


Total proposed
dividend per share


dividend per share

Good level of new investment

£114.2 million committed to the investment in two further oil storage terminals with Oiltanking in Belgium and the Netherlands and to five new primary PPP investments in France, the Netherlands and the UK


Investment commitments


Investment commitments

Robust portfolio income

Portfolio income of £79.5 million, in line with prior year


Portfolio income2


Portfolio income2

Companies mentioned