Financial Highlights
Robust Net Asset Value ('NAV') growth of 8.6% to £935.4 million (£861.0 million as at 31 December 2012) with NAV per share of 123.0 pence (121.0 pence as at 31 December 2012)
Full year dividend up 2.5% to 6.15 pence per share
Minimum target dividend for 2014 of 6.30 pence per share and 2015 of 6.45 pence per share
Investments of £36.5 million made during the year and a further £17.0 million since 31 December 2013
£46.5 million (before issue costs) of new equity capital raised in 2013
IFRS profit before tax of £56.1 million (2012: £68.4 million)
Total Shareholder Return since listing in 2006 of 78.6%, compared to 47.4% on the FTSE All Share over that same period